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David Burzinski

PO Box 1832

Travelers Rest, SC 29690


Parker Coin Club
Parker Coin Club




The structure would be as follows:

Upstate Coin Clubs

  1. Governor
  2. Governor
  3. Governor

Greenville & Parker Coin Clubs

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary / Treasurer
  4. Bourse Chairman
  5. Webmaster


Article i: Title and Objective

Section 1.  The titles of these organizations shall be the Greenville Coin Club and the Parker Coin Club.

Section 2.  The object of these organizations shall be to encourage and promote interest in numismatics through educational programs and to cultivate friendly relations among collectors, students and dealers and to especially encourage and assist amateur collectors.

Article ii: Membership

Section 1. Any person desirous of joining either or both clubs may become a member if no member objects.  If there is an objection, a majority vote shall be conducted by the club to determine if the person will be approved for full membership. If approved for full membership, it shall take full effect once all dues and fees have been paid.

Section 2. Any member in good standing who has reason to believe another member is violating any object of the club may bring charges for expulsion against the offending member.  Such charges shall be presented to the president who shall appoint a committee to investigate. If a majority of the committee confirms the charges brought, a full report shall be presented to the membership.  A 2/3 vote of the membership present at any regular meeting shall be required to expel the member, which expulsion shall take effect immediately.

Section 3 of the Greenville by-laws shall be deleted.

Section 4 of the Greenville by-laws is incorporated in section 1.

Section 5.  Any person who has rendered significant service to the science of numismatics may be elected to honorary membership by unanimous vote at any regular meeting, provided proposed membership has been announced to the club at least one regular meeting prior to such election.

Section 6 has been incorporated into section 2.

Article iii: Dues

Section 1. Dues are presently set at $20.00 per year for adult members, new or renewal. Junior memberships dues shall be a onetime fee of $5.00 and will be valid until the junior reaches 18 years of age.

Section 2. All dues for regular membership shall be due in January each year.

Section 3. Members 2 months in arrears for dues shall be dropped from the roll. Any suspended member may be reinstated upon payment of dues for the fiscal year.

Section 4. No dues shall be assessed to honorary or life members.

Section 5. Officers will not be assessed annual dues for the year           they are in office.

Article iv:  Amendments

Section 1. The constitution may be altered or amended only after the alteration or amendment has been presented to the governing board in writing. Upon confirmation of the board, the alteration or amendment shall be presented to the club and 2/3 of the regular members in attendance votes for or against the alteration of the amendment.

Section 2. All amendments upon passing shall go into effect at the next regular meeting.

Section 3. Amendments, however, may not be acted on at the same meeting that they were voted on and approved disposition will be at the next regular meeting.

Section 4.  All proposals must be submitted in writing to the governing board for approval before a vote is cast by the membership.


Article i: Duties of Officers

Section 1.  The president shall preside at all meetings and be the ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2. The vice president shall preside over the meetings in the absence or incapacitation of the president.

Section 3. The secretary/treasurer shall keep a record of all transactions and report the minutes of all meetings as well as receive and disburse all monies.

Section 4. the bourse chairman shall be responsible for all expenses and receiving of monies for the show.

Section 5. webmaster.  the webmaster shall be responsible for keeping the web current. The web is to be updated at least monthly.

Article ii: Meetings

Section 1. The regular meeting of the Parker Coin Club shall be scheduled for every Thursday at 200 W. Main St., Taylors SC (building behind the santuary.) The regular meeting for the Greenville coin club shall be scheduled for every Tuesday at the Life Center of the Salem United Methodist church on White Horse Road. Meetings will not be held at these locations if the meeting day falls on a holiday or the owners of the locations have other obligations.  Examples would be Thanksgiving, scheduled art shows or vacation bible school.

Section 2. The annual election meeting shall be held on the third meeting night of October at which time a slate of officers nominated will be presented to the club members for vote and election for the coming year. Prior to election night, the president shall appoint a committee of 3 members in good standing to deliver a slate of candidates.

Section 3. Inclement weather:  The clubs will follow the Greenville county schools policy. If school is called off early or is called off for the day, the meeting for that day shall be called off also.

Article iii: General

Section 1. These clubs were formed for the mutual benefit of its members, and each member shall exert every effort to make it a success by obtaining new members and to extend every effort towards the advancement of the organization and numismatics. 

Section 2. No member shall incur any expense in the name of the clubs except the president or the secretary/treasurer, who may incur expenses for postage or printing for their offices and for any necessary supplies or stationary.

Section 3. The By-Laws may be amended in exactly the same manner in which the constitution may be amended and the same procedure must be followed.

Section 4. All meetings of the clubs shall be conducted in accordance with “Robert’s Rules of Order” governing parliamentary procedure.

Article iv: Associated Programs

Each club shall choose from the following selection of programs in which they choose to participate.

Section 1. Attendance award: The attendance award was designed to reward members for their continued attendance each week. in order to participate, you must be a member in good standing and present for the drawing. the award starts at $5.00 and increases each week until the name pulled is present.

Section 2. 50/50 pot: Participation in this program requires the person be a member in good standing. The amount of the award is dependent upon the number of tickets purchased at $1.00 each. The winner of this program receives ½ of the total amount collected and the other ½ goes to the club.

Section 3. Coin of the month: Member must be in good standing. It requires the purchase of a ticket for $ 1.00. There are 3 prizes; 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prizes. the drawing is at the end of the month and the prize winners are recorded by the secretary/treasurer in the minutes.

Section 4. American eagle dollars: Tickets for the drawing for American eagles may be obtained before the meeting starts. A person obtaining these tickets must be a paid member. The price of these tickets shall be determined by the formula in section 5.

Section 5.  As long as the price of silver is below $28.00 (i.e. 27.99), the price of a strip of 5 tickets shall be $2.00. When silver rises above $28.00 ( i.e. 28.01), the price of a strip of 5 tickets shall be $3.00.  If silver is above $28.00 and declines to below $28.00, the cost of a strip of 5 tickets shall revert back to $2.00. This trigger point shall be automatic and not subject to a vote each time.

Section 6. Bingo: This is based on the 50 states quarters with the South Carolina quarter being specially marked to identify it as the winning quarter. A ticket for this program is $1.00 and the person must be a member in good standing with the club. Each week a ticket is drawn and the lucky winner will have the opportunity to reach into a bag to try to draw out the South Carolina quarter. If they do not pull out the South Carolina quarter, the state pulled out shall be recorded and the accumulated funds continue to build until the South Carolina quarter is pulled out. The quarter that is pulled out and is not the South Carolina quarter is not put back into the bag until the next game. When the South Carolina quarter is pulled from the bag, the game is over and the winner receives ½ of the funds accumulated and the other ½ goes to the club.    

Article v: Auctions

Section 1. Each week an auction will be held. Each paid member may take a basket to put up to 5 lots into it (When an educational program is held, the auction lots will be limited to 4 items.)  Allowable variations for 1 lot would be to have multiples of an item. The seller declares that it is “1 with the option” to buy as many as being offered. The winner of the auction lot will only receive 1 ticket regardless of how many they buy.  If they choose not to buy all of the lot and someone else wants the remainder, then they shall receive 1 ticket also.  At the end of the auction, tickets will be pulled to win a buyers award. The winner shall receive 1 of 2 90% half dollars or 1 of 2 40% half dollars based on the formula in section 5 of the associated programs. $28.00 is the trigger point (i.e. $27.99 to $28.01)

Section 2. Pricing structure for the auction:

  1. The item offered must start at least at face value.
  2. The owner may place up to 2 bids on their own item.
  3. When an owner declares a “wild cat”, the owner may not bid on his/her item.
  4. Incremental bidding will start at $1.00 and may be increased by $.25 up to $10.00.
  5. Bidding from $10.01 to $50.00 will be increased by $.50
  6. Bidding from $50.01 to $100.00 will be increased by $1.00.
  7. Bidding from $100.01 to $200.00 will be increased by $2.50.
  8. Bidding from $200.01 to $500.00 will be increased by $5.00.
  9. Bidding from $500.01  and up will be increased by $10.00.


Article vi: Educational Programs


Once each quarter an educational program will be given. This will be a mandated item. The president of the club shall ask one of the club members to volunteer to give the program. If no one volunteers, the president can assign a person to give the program. The person will have 3 months to prepare a program. The program should last between 10 and 20 minutes. A longer program may be given with the approval of the president.


Article vii: Young Numismatist (YN) Programs


Section 1. One of the objects of the clubs is to promote and encourage children and young adults to come to the club and participate in the various programs that are prepared for them.


Section 2. A committee of 3 or more club members shall be appointed to develop programs that will attract new members. Without new members, the club cannot continue to exist. programs that are formulated shall be brought to the officers of the club.


Article viii: Audit


The records and checkbook shall be audited on a yearly basis. the audit shall be performed by the officers (or the Board of Governors). A report shall be given to the club stating everything was alright or if there are any discrepancies.

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